Working time for Informal carers

Some companies in Europe have set up special schemes for their carers. The objective is to enable them to remain in employment by organising things in such a way as not to penalise either the employer or the caregiver. There are several good practices. Here are some examples:

Flexible working hours: for example, working part-time or part-time (with a proportionate decrease in salary) or authorisations for occasional absences, etc.

Telework: The company allows employees to work from home for a limited period.

Possibility of giving days off to a co-worker: Some companies have opened the system to several situations, such as the loss of autonomy of a parent in the general sense and/or can also replenish the days deposited in the fund by employees. It authorises an employee to “give up” anonymously and without consideration”, with the agreement of the employer, days of rest for the benefit of another employee of the enterprise having the child under the age of 20 years old suffering from a disability or accident victim making a “presence” indispensable supported”. The employee who benefits from the donation of Days of rest shall retain his pay during his absence. All periods of absence are assimilated to a period of work effective. In France, the gift of days is even enshrined in the law, the Mathys law of 9 May 2014.

The establishment of family solidarity leave: This allows to assist, under conditions, a loved one at the end of life. The leave is compensated and can be taken on a continuous or split basis. What can also convert it into a part-time period? The employee fixes the duration of the family solidarity leave. However, the leave may not exceed a fixed maximum duration. An employee wishing to take a family solidarity leave may take care of: an ascendant; a descendant; a brother or sister; a person sharing the same domicile, or having designated him or her as his or her dependant.

Wage maintenance: for example, employing a collective provident contract, it is possible to guarantee, under certain conditions, wage maintenance over a given period for assisting employees.

Training of carers: training actions co-financed by the public authorities which may relate to the position of the carer, for example. Attention, this type of training does not aim that the caregiver replaces the care professionals.

Internal information, employee awareness: for example, with company signs, letters attached to payslips, etc.

Support and support platform: the company can join its employees. They will have access to professionals for psychological support or administrative information, etc.

Employers take over total pension contributions for employees forced to interrupt or reduce their professional activity temporarily.

Mathieu Alberteau

Mathieu is a trainee at the NGO EPIONI working on European projects. Currently a Master of International European Studies – Management of European Affairs at the University of Lille in France, he has a keen interest in international relations, particularly European ones. His studies and interest in European culture led him to travel extensively in Europe and live in several EU countries. Mathieu has studied law and economics and has worked at various jobs such as banking, law, notarial office, cash desk in supermarkets, radio columnist, French assistant at a high school, which developed his versatility and sharpened his curiosity.

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